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FDA Approval of Prostate Cancer Imaging Agent a Milestone for Inventor and Johns Hopkins
September 29, 2021

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval earlier this year of the first commercially available positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agent targeting the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) represented the culmination of 25 years of work for Martin Pomper, M.D., Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Radiology and Radiological Science.

Radiology Trainees on the Front Lines of COVID-19
June 9, 2020

With radiology education moved online and most elective radiologic procedures postponed, many radiology trainees volunteered or were redeployed to assist on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic between March and April. Andrew Kolarich, MD, is a first-year diagnostic and interventional radiology resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore was interviewed to discuss his two weeks in a COVID-19 medical ICU at Johns Hopkins Hospital and two weeks at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

A Cancer Drug Trial For Dogs Presented At The RSNA Annual Meeting
December 4, 2019

The Y90 treatment approach is based on an already successful human liver cancer treatment, which includes injecting a precise amount of radiation into or close to the tumor using small radioactive glass beads. So far,  Dr. Clifford Weiss and his team have tested the treatment on five pets alongside the veterinarians at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Of five treated, four showed initial improvement, with one now presenting no radiological or behavioral signs of glioma six months post-treatment.

Though more studies on safety and efficacy are needed, the researchers foresee being able to use this approach to treat human brain tumors within the next few years.

Johns Hopkins Develops Criteria for Diagnostic Imaging
July 18, 2019

On June 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has been designated a so-called “qualified provider-led entity.” Pamela Johnson, M.D. and colleagues had established teams of physicians from multiple specialties to review primary medical literature and identify the best data to use to design the criteria. 

Why Do Doctors Overtreat? For Many, It's What They're Trained To Do 
April 19, 2019

Johns Hopkins radiologist Pamela Johnson, who teaches residents about appropriate use of tests, says she and her colleagues give out personalized reports that show how individual doctors compare to their peers. She's currently studying whether or not these reports are effective in reducing the number of CT scans ordered to check for blood clots in the lungs.

​New Treatment For Obesity Promotes Safely Controlled Weight Loss And Appetite Suppression
April 9, 2019
Their findings add to evidence of the safety and effectiveness of an experimental procedure, bariatric embolization, which can be a potential tool to combat obesity.