IEE Outstanding Educator Awards

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is rich with talent. We have great teachers, educators and leaders. The IEE Outstanding Educator Awards are designed to recognize and celebrate our outstanding educators and acknowledge great achievements in education.

All awards are open to any full or part-time faculty member of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and are peer nominated, reviewed and selected. Diversity, equity and inclusion are part of the JHUSOM and IEE’s Foundational Principles for Teaching and Education (Principle #5). We encourage those making nominations to recognize the rich diversity of our faculty when making nominations. Each award recipient will receive a certificate, a $1000 honorarium, an entry on the IEE website "Awards" page, and recognition in the graduation brochure.

Award nominations are accepted year-round. Please see below for the nomination deadline for next year's award season.

Now accepting nominations in all award categories for 2024.

Nomination packages must be completed and received by the IEE by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 15th, 2024.

Important Nomination Instructions:

  • Please read all instructions and carefully follow the requirements for each award category, each has different requirements. To be fair to all nominees and in order to maintain a “level playing field,” please adhere to maximum page number requirements and do not include materials not requested. These materials will not be accepted or considered by the selection committees.
  • Previous recipients of a specific award category are not eligible for the same award for a period of five years.
  • For awards with time limits, a 12-month extension will be considered for childbirth, adoption or other major life events. This information can be included in the nomination letter.
  • Notification of decision will be sent to nominators and nominees by March 1 of each year.
  • Nominations may be submitted by: Everyone is invited to nominate a qualified candidate and self-nomination is permitted. We encourage leadership in the school, departments, divisions, educational committees to nominate deserving candidates in all categories. Please be sure the complete nomination package is submitted.

Please submit complete nomination packets to [email protected]



Lifetime Achievement in Education

Martin AbeloffMartin D. Abeloff
See Past Recipients

Martin D. Abeloff Award for Lifetime Achievement in Medical and Biomedical Education

The highest of the IEE's honors is named for Dr. Martin D. Abeloff whose long and illustrious career at Johns Hopkins left an indelible mark. Dr. Ableoff, began at Hopkins in 1966, and held many educational and leadership positions. From 1992 until his passing, he served as Director of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. He was a visionary leader, superb physician and educator, and world class scholar. He was a much respected colleague and mentor. Dr. Abeloff led the Committee on Educational Values and Rewards, established by Dr. Edward Miller, to study the strengths, challenges and future of our educational mission. Upon his death in 2007, in his memory and honor, the committee was renamed the Martin D. Ableoff Committee on Educational Values and Rewards, which had as its overarching recommendation the establishment of the Institute for Excellence in Education.

This award is selected and awarded by the IEE Board of Directors.

Candidates must have a current or former association with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and have demonstrated commitment to and extensive achievement in medical and/or biomedical education.

The application must include:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information

1. A nomination letter detailing the nominee's accomplishments and broad impact in medical and/or biomedical education, their association with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (such as a current or former student, trainee or faculty member) and demonstrated respect for diversity and inclusiveness.

You may focus on any area(s):

  • Leadership and Mentoring
  • Program Development
  • Teaching Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Scholarship

2. A copy of the nominee's Curriculum Vitae.

The application may also include:

3. Up to two additional letters of support.

Make a Nomination

All Other Education Awards for Outstanding Achievement

We believe we have outstanding educators and want to celebrate their great achievements. IEE's Education Awards for Outstanding Achievement are available to all faculty, both full- and part-time.

Lisa HeiserLisa J. Heiser
See Past Recipients

Lisa J. Heiser Award for Junior Faculty Contribution in Education

This award is named in honor of Lisa J. Heiser, M.A., Assistant Dean for Faculty Development and Equity, Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2006-2011. Lisa was the embodiment of what makes Johns Hopkins Medicine special; smart and multitalented, combining fierce tenacity and commitment with tremendous personal warmth, friendliness and collegiality. In the short time that Lisa served as Assistant Dean, she developed an impressive portfolio of programs and initiatives that have transcended the founding vision of her office, fostering the development of all faculty members. The Heiser award will be given to a junior faculty member, in their career 5 years or less on faculty, who has made an outstanding contribution in medical/biomedical education, and shown great promise for future meaningful contributions to medical and biomedical education.

The application packet must include:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information

1. A detailed (two-page maximum, no smaller than 11 point font) nomination letter stating reasons the faculty member merits recognition. Remarks should focus on one or more area(s) from those listed below in which the candidate has excelled:

  • Teaching Excellence / Quantity
  • Mentoring Accomplishments
  • Program Development & Leadership Accomplishments
  • Educational Scholarship
  • Professional Development as an Educator
  • Teaching Philosophy
  • Other

2. One to two additional letters of support.

3. From Nominee:

  • One page statement of Teaching Philosophy
  • Curriculum Vitae

Make a Nomination

Teaching Awards

These awards are intended to recognize outstanding achievement in teaching, which the IEE defines as direct contact time with learners in a large group, small group or one-on-one, whether in the classroom, lab or clinical setting. See below for other award categories if you wish to recognize individuals for program development, leadership or scholarship.

Three awards are given:

  • One for those on faculty less than 10 years
  • One for those on faculty 10 or more years
  • One specifically for part-time faculty

The application packet must include:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information

1. Letters of support:

  • A nomination letter (two-page maximum, no smaller than 11 point font) from faculty/leadership which describes the nominee's evidence of excellence as a teacher
  • Two additional letters of support from learners. Note that we will not accept more than two additional letters.

2. From Nominee:

  • Summary Evaluation of Teaching, including ratings on Likert scale-style questions and qualitative comments from learners (two pages maximum)
  • Statement of Teaching Philosophy (one page maximum)
  • Names/dates of classes/teaching opportunities and type of learners taught (two pages maximum)

Note: we do not accept applicant’s CVs for this award.

Make a Nomination

Leadership and Mentoring Award

This award is intended to recognize outstanding achievement in mentoring. The recipient will be selected based on the training experiences and success of the nominee's mentees, not the nominee's career achievements per se. For the purpose of this award, mentoring is defined as the process of guiding, supporting, and promoting the training and career development of others. Mentors may contribute in many areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Intellectual growth and development
  • Career development
  • Professional guidance
  • Advocacy

The application packet must include the following:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information
  1. Nomination letter (two-page maximum, no smaller than 11 point font) addressing the nominee's contributions with as much specificity as possible to demonstrate the dedication of the mentor to the success of their trainees
  2. CV of the nominee
  3. If not included in the CV, a representative list of trainees mentored, including information regarding their outcome (such as degree(s) earned, job placement and/or current positions)
  4. An abstract of up to 250 words written by the nominee summarizing their achievements in mentoring
  5. Two to three additional letters of support including one from a peer and one from a mentee

Make a Nomination

Educational Scholarship Award

The Educational Scholarship Award is designed primarily for the faculty member who has a corpus of educational scholarship work. We seek to define scholarship as broadly as possible and include not only publications, but also workshops, other dissemination and contributions to other institutions.

The application packet must include the following:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information
  1. A nomination letter (two-page maximum, no smaller than 11 point font) which provides a description of the body of work including articles and other scholarship in education
  2. One or two additional letters of support
  3. CV of the nominee
  4. An annotated bibliography

The application packet may also include:

  1. H scores if available
  2. Samples of scholarship

Make a Nomination

Educational Innovation Award

This award will recognize an individual or, in the rare case, a two-person team, for having developed a resource that directly improves medical or biomedical education. This award is meant to encourage faculty members of the Hopkins community to creatively apply their talents to improve the academic needs of students on a national scale.

The application packet must include the following:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information
  1. A nomination letter with a 200 - 500 word description of the innovation, or series of innovations, for which recognition is deemed to be appropriate. This document should also contain a description of the innovation (three sentences or less), with commentary on how and why the innovation is different from other solutions, and the impact the project has had on medical and biomedical education
  2. Two to three additional letters of support including one from a peer and one or two from a recipient or user of the innovation
  3. CV of the nominee

The application may also include:

  1. A link/sample/access to the innovation(s)

Note: Innovation should have been implemented within five years of application.

Make a Nomination

Educational Program Award

This award is intended to recognize a noteworthy medical or biomedical teaching program which has been implemented for five years or less. Such a program is generally developed and supported by a team of three or more faculty educators, learners and staff, not a sole individual. Programs will be judged using the following criteria: addresses a gap in the field, institutional or community need; based on a learner needs assessment; includes specific and measurable learner objectives; uses innovative educational strategies; includes data on learner outcomes; uses program evaluation data to drive curricular changes; evidence of scholarship; and likelihood of sustainability.

The application packet must include the following:

  • Indicate for which award the nomination is being made
  • Clearly indicate the nominee's name and contact information
  1. A nomination letter (two-page maximum, no smaller than 11 point font) which should include a description of the program, the team and details above regarding curriculum development, learner assessment, educational strategies used, evidence of scholarship and likelihood of sustainability.
  2. Two additional letters of support are required. One of these two should be from an individual who has been a learner in the program.
  3. Learner and program evaluation data (provide quantitative data and no more than two pages of narrative comments from program participants)

Make a Nomination